The Good Ol’ internet

I was on my computer machine the other day, surfing the “world wide web” when I stumbled upon some interesting videos of old technology and knew I needed to share it all with you.

What the Internet was suppose to be.

This was originally aired in the early 90’s on the CBC network. I love to look back and see that they thought it was going to be. This video covers everything from how the internet works to the original meaning of emoticons.

Looking back on the history of the internet is something that has somewhat tickled my fancy as of late. and I was drawn to one site. The internet Way Back Machine. There you can type in any web address and it will take you to a database of different dates of which you can view that website. take for instance there you can see how the website we all know and love has evolved through the years.

Take a look at some of the screens of what is now one of the biggest corporations in the world.

Google screenshot from Nov.11 1998

Google's First Search engine page.

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